I love travel and I have been to many places around the world, seeing different places and learn about different culturals, no matter it is the Mongolia desert or the Palace in Hungary, will broad your mind and expand your view. I'm still learning and traveling, you are never too old to learn.
我喜欢旅行。在中国学习期间因为所学的专业, 去过人迹罕至的内蒙古毛乌素沙漠,上过天池。到了美国之后,因为工作的原因去过欧洲东南亚中亚南美洲, 参观过雄伟的布达佩斯皇宫,也去过神秘的布林王国。 旅行开阔了我的眼界和思想,旅行让我领略了不同的文化。我还在继续旅行和学习中, 学无止境,世界如此之大,我不会因为变老了就停止学习和旅行。
Jun Wang, Esq., has a Juris Doctor degree, a Master degree of Computer Science, a Master degree of Ecological Science and a Bachelor degree of Science in Geography, has been engaged in Science, Engineering, and Business in the United States for more than 20 years, and has an in-depth understanding of the American social and judicial system. Mr. Wang has extensive business experience and is highly efficient and responsible in all his work. Also, Mr. Wang holds the Illinois Conceal Carry Instructor Certificate and the National Rifle Association Instructor Certificate. He has many years of teaching experience of Illinois gun law and Illinois self-defense law, and hundreds of his students have already successfully applied for and obtained Illinois Conceal Carry License. Mr. Wang is highly proficient in Illinois gun law and self-defense law.
With a profound, extensive scientific background, Mr. Wang has gained knowledge and experiences in technological innovations, researches of prior arts and patent applications in the science and engineering fields, and has been granted three U.S. patents in telecommunication and cellular technologies, i.e., 8,687,566 (Full-Text Method and apparatus for scheduling downlink transmissions in an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing communication system), 8,194,622 (Full-Text Method and system for managing communication between a base station and subscriber stations), and 7,965,683 (Full-Text Mechanism for maximizing uplink bandwidth by overlapping control regions in WiMAX systems). EDUCATION Juris Doctor Chicago-Kent College of Law, Illinois Institute of Technology,06/2017-12/12019 Master of Computer Science The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 09/1996-12/1999 Master of Science in Ecology Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 08/1993-06/1996 Bachelor of Science in Geography Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China, 08/1989-06/1993 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 05/2020-Present Principal, Law Offices of Jun Wang, LLC 06/2016-Present President, Chinese-American Network of Firearm Owners 06/2016-Present President and Instructor, Canfire Instructors, LLC 05/2010-06/2016 President, AZSoft US Technology, LLC 01/2000-05/2010 Senior Staff Software Engineer, Motorola Inc. MEMBER OF THE BARS Supreme Court of Illinois United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois (General Bar and Trial Bar) |
王軍 (Jun Wang)律師, 擁有法學博士,計算機學碩士,生態科學碩士和地理科學學士學位,已在美國從事科學,工程及商務二十余年,深入了解美國社會運作和司法體系, 具有极其豐富之商務經驗,而且工作高效負責。此外,王軍律师擁有伊州隱蔽持槍證和美
國步槍協會教官證書,有多年的槍枝法律和自衛法律教學經驗,已經有近一千名學員成功考取隱蔽持槍證,精通伊利諾伊州槍枝管理法律和自衛法律。 王軍律師擁有深厚而廣泛的科學和技術的背景. 在科學和工程領域的技術創新, 現有技術研究和專利申請方面都有豐富的知識和經驗。 王軍律師擁有三項美國電信和通訊方面的技術專利, 即: 8,687,566 (Full-Text Method and apparatus for scheduling downlink transmissions in an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing communication system), 8,194,622 (Full-Text Method and system for managing communication between a base station and subscriber stations), and 7,965,683 (Full-Text Mechanism for maximizing uplink bandwidth by overlapping control regions in WiMAX systems). 教育背景 法學博士 伊利諾伊理工學院芝加哥肯特法學院 2017年6月-2019年12月 計算機學碩士 伊利諾伊大學香檳校區 1996年9月-1999年12月 生態學碩士 中國科學院(中國, 北京) 1993年8月-1996年6月 地理學學士 北京師範大學(中國, 北京) 1989年8月-1993年6月 从业经验 王軍律師事務所 2020年5月-至今 芝加哥槍友會 2016年6月-至今 Canfire Instructors, LLC 2016年6月-至今 AZSoft US Technology, LLC 2010年5月-2016年6月 美國摩托蘿拉公司 2000年1月-2010年5月 主要律師执照轄區: 伊利諾州最高法院 伊利諾州北區美國聯邦地區法院 |