I love sailing. The feeling of free and the power to control your destination are fascinating. I have spent the first half of my life learning different subjects and seeking a destination, and I will spend the second half of my life serve and help those in need. I have worked in different professions and changed many jobs, while seeking freedom. My time is my wealth, and I'm willing to give it to those in need.
我喜欢驾驶帆船, 芝加哥的夏天是驾驶帆船的好季节。自由自在的航行在水面上的感觉无法用言语表达。我向往自由, 所以我一直在不断地学习,我的前半生几乎都是在学习,科学,工程,法律。 我的后半生将用来帮助那些需要帮助的人, 法律是我的武器,我将用我的武器保护公正, 平等, 和正义。