I was born a Chinese and I'm also an American. I love China as much as I love America. My wish has always been for the people in both countries to live in peace, so friends don't become enemies, and families don't get separated. I have two sons and watching them growing up and teaching them becoming decent persons have been my biggest achievements. I have a lovely wife whom I have married for more than 25 years. I love guns and I'm a firm second Amendment believer. People have the right to protect themselves, when police have no duty to do so.
我是一个中国人也是一个美国人,我热爱中国也热爱美国。我的希望永远是中美两国和平共处, 人民安生,朋友不要变为敌人,家庭不要两岸分离。我有两个可爱的儿子,抚养他们长大教育他们正直善良上进是我一生最大的成就。我和夫人结婚25年一直是同舟共济。我喜欢枪,我坚定不移地支持美国宪法第二修正案。公民持枪自卫的权利与生俱来不可剥夺。