我当初上法学院的初衷是帮助芝加哥枪友会的会员,因为当时芝加哥没有一个华人律师有能力帮助一个卷入刑事案件的枪友,所以我决定自己去学习。成为一个律师之后我发觉很多人需要各种个样的帮助,刑事案件在华人圈里是非常小的一部分。经常有人走进我的办公室需要各种各样的帮助。我现在可以处理的案件包括,刑事辩护, 联邦和伊州的民事诉讼, 合同纠纷,离婚和其他家庭案件,劳工纠纷,房地产交易, 等等。 如果我没有办法帮你解决,我可以告诉你谁可以帮到你。
I focused my study in the Criminal Law while in law school. I admit I watched too many Law & Order episodes and read too many crime novels. Once I started practice, I realized criminal law is just a tiny portion of the daily legal issues people are facing. When someone walks into my door and needs help, I'm here to help you with: criminal defense, civil litigations (Federal and State), contract dispute, divorce and other family issues, employment and work man's compensation, real estate transactions, etc. If I don't have a solution for you, I'll find someone who can help you.